@@ -167,18 +167,25 @@ module Agents |
167 | 167 |
log "Looking at HIT #{hit_id}. I found #{assignments.length} assignments#{" with the statuses: #{assignments.map(&:status).to_sentence}" if assignments.length > 0}" |
168 | 168 |
if assignments.length == hit.max_assignments && assignments.all? { |assignment| assignment.status == "Submitted" } |
169 | 169 |
if options[:take_majority] == "true" |
170 |
+ counts = {} |
170 | 171 |
options[:hit][:questions].each do |question| |
171 |
- counts = question[:selections].inject({}) { |memo, selection| memo[selection[:key]] = 0; memo } |
172 |
+ question_counts = question[:selections].inject({}) { |memo, selection| memo[selection[:key]] = 0; memo } |
172 | 173 |
assignments.each do |assignment| |
173 | 174 |
answers = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(assignment.answers) |
174 | 175 |
answer = answers[question[:key]] |
175 |
- counts[answer] += 1 |
176 |
+ question_counts[answer] += 1 |
176 | 177 |
end |
178 |
+ counts[question[:key]] = question_counts |
177 | 179 |
end |
180 |
+ majority_answer = counts.inject({}) do |memo, (key, question_counts)| |
181 |
+ memo[key] = question_counts.to_a.sort {|a, b| a.last <=> b.last }.last.first |
182 |
+ memo |
183 |
+ end |
184 |
+ event = create_event :payload => { :answers => assignments.map(&:answers), :counts => counts, :majority_answer => majority_answer } |
178 | 185 |
else |
179 | 186 |
event = create_event :payload => { :answers => assignments.map(&:answers) } |
180 |
- log "Event emitted with answer(s)", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => Event.find_by_id(memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym]) |
181 | 187 |
end |
188 |
+ log "Event emitted with answer(s)", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => Event.find_by_id(memory[:hits][hit_id.to_sym]) |
182 | 189 |
183 | 190 |
assignments.each(&:approve!) |
184 | 191 |
@@ -12,6 +12,17 @@ describe Agents::HumanTaskAgent do |
12 | 12 |
@event.payload = { :foo => { "bar" => { :baz => "a2b" } }, |
13 | 13 |
:name => "Joe" } |
14 | 14 |
@event.id = 345 |
15 |
+ |
16 |
+ @checker.should be_valid |
17 |
+ end |
18 |
+ |
19 |
+ describe "validations" do |
20 |
+ it "requires that all questions be of type 'selection' when `take_majority` is `true`" do |
21 |
+ @checker.options[:take_majority] = "true" |
22 |
+ @checker.should_not be_valid |
23 |
+ @checker.options[:hit][:questions][1][:type] = "selection" |
24 |
+ @checker.should be_valid |
25 |
+ end |
15 | 26 |
end |
16 | 27 |
17 | 28 |
describe "when 'trigger_on' is set to 'schedule'" do |
@@ -223,12 +234,51 @@ describe Agents::HumanTaskAgent do |
223 | 234 |
end |
224 | 235 |
225 | 236 |
describe "taking majority votes" do |
226 |
- it "should only be valid when all questions are of type 'selection'" do |
227 |
- |
237 |
+ before do |
238 |
+ @checker.options[:take_majority] = "true" |
239 |
+ @checker.options[:hit][:questions][1] = { |
240 |
+ :type => "selection", |
241 |
+ :key => "age_range", |
242 |
+ :name => "Age Range", |
243 |
+ :required => "true", |
244 |
+ :question => "Please select your age range:", |
245 |
+ :selections => |
246 |
+ [ |
247 |
+ { :key => "<50", :text => "50 years old or younger" }, |
248 |
+ { :key => ">50", :text => "Over 50 years old" } |
249 |
+ ] |
250 |
+ } |
228 | 251 |
end |
229 | 252 |
230 | 253 |
it "should take the majority votes of all questions" do |
231 |
- |
254 |
+ @checker.memory[:hits] = { :"JH3132836336DHG" => @event.id } |
255 |
+ mock(RTurk::GetReviewableHITs).create { mock!.hit_ids { %w[JH3132836336DHG JH39AA63836DHG JH39AA63836DH12345] } } |
256 |
+ assignments = [ |
257 |
+ FakeAssignment.new(:status => "Submitted", :answers => {"sentiment"=>"sad", "age_range"=>"<50"}), |
258 |
+ FakeAssignment.new(:status => "Submitted", :answers => {"sentiment"=>"neutral", "age_range"=>">50"}), |
259 |
+ FakeAssignment.new(:status => "Submitted", :answers => {"sentiment"=>"happy", "age_range"=>">50"}), |
260 |
+ FakeAssignment.new(:status => "Submitted", :answers => {"sentiment"=>"happy", "age_range"=>">50"}) |
261 |
+ ] |
262 |
+ hit = FakeHit.new(:max_assignments => 4, :assignments => assignments) |
263 |
+ mock(RTurk::Hit).new("JH3132836336DHG") { hit } |
264 |
+ |
265 |
+ lambda { |
266 |
+ @checker.send :review_hits |
267 |
+ }.should change { Event.count }.by(1) |
268 |
+ |
269 |
+ assignments.all? {|a| a.approved == true }.should be_true |
270 |
+ |
271 |
+ @checker.events.last.payload[:answers].should == [ |
272 |
+ { :sentiment => "sad", :age_range => "<50" }, |
273 |
+ { :sentiment => "neutral", :age_range => ">50" }, |
274 |
+ { :sentiment => "happy", :age_range => ">50" }, |
275 |
+ { :sentiment => "happy", :age_range => ">50" } |
276 |
+ ] |
277 |
+ |
278 |
+ @checker.events.last.payload[:counts].should == { :sentiment => { :happy => 2, :sad => 1, :neutral => 1 }, :age_range => { :">50" => 3, :"<50" => 1 } } |
279 |
+ @checker.events.last.payload[:majority_answer].should == { :sentiment => "happy", :age_range => ">50" } |
280 |
+ |
281 |
+ @checker.memory[:hits].should == {} |
232 | 282 |
end |
233 | 283 |
end |
234 | 284 |
end |